Monday 23 April 2012

Last few Days In Buenos Aires

I just cant believe that I am now sitting at the airport in Buenos Aires waiting to board our flight to Rome. What happened to Buenos Aires? Our time here has gone by so quickly in a blur of very late nights (or maybe more accurately - early mornings). We achieved most of what we planned to do while we were here. The dancing has been great. In fact we were amongst the last to leave Nino Bien at 4am last Thursday night.

After a long sleep in on Friday morning, we headed back to Raquel because I decided I couldn't live without the other pair of shoes I tried on there earlier in the week. I had planned to buy only 1 new pair this trip...oh well rules are made to be broken.

Decided not to go dancing Friday night because frankly, we were just a wee bit tired after 7 nights of late dancing in a row. So instead we went to a lovely wee restaurant just down the road called Las Canas and had a beautiful meal of steak and salad and wine. Just what we needed. We tend to eat quite lightly when we are dancing and both of us felt that a good hearty steak was in order. It is a lovely little spot and we sat outside in amongst the trees. Very romantic dining - even for old fellas like us :)

Saturday night, with batteries recharged we went to a new milonga called "Villa Malcolm'. Its quite a long way out and we went there on the subte, plus a taxi for the last 12 blocks. The dancing was great :). On the way back at 3am, it was too late for the subte (closes at 10.30 ish) so we took the colletivo bus. Talk about sardines! It was hilarious and we overcame our reluctance to use the buses. Thanks to Tanya for her patient explanations on how they work. So cheap too - but if you want to sit down - forget it!

Sunday was a quiet day and involved a leasurely breakfast and then a subte ride to Las Violetas.

This is the most beautiful cafe that we have possibly ever seem. I know I raved on about cafe Tortoni in my last blog but this was just beautiful. We thought of Marna when we saw all the beautiful tiny sweet cakes to have with a coffee. Each was only a mouthful, or else 2 small bites if you want to prolong the pleasure. Our coffees came with 2 different ones each - complimentary. We each had a couple of medialunas as it was going to be our lunch. Would have liked to stay and just absorb the atmosphere but we were heading to San Telmo for a browse.

Sunday night was our last night of dancing so we went somewhere we knew and enjoyed. La Nazional :) It was a truly great night. We both danced until we could barely walk home - well me anyway! I wore my old pink shoes and that was just as well as any of the new ones would have crippled me after dancing for so long. I danced once with Craig to start and then the next 8 tandas in a row. I hardly even got a sip of water between dancers. It was great and a marvellous way to leave the dancing of Buenos Aires. Every time I looked over to where Craig was seated - he was dancing and not sitting in his chair. You have probably guessed by now that we were sitting separately. Its very normal to do this - even though it totally freaks me out to start with.

More to come - ready to board :)


  1. Hi guys - am coming back later to read all your posts. For now, just wanted to say go well, and you're missed.

  2. Photo of new Raquel shoes, please, Regine!
